In the spirit of cura personalis, we are pleased to provide a variety of services to make our patients and visitors feel welcomed and appreciated.
Language services
How to request services
When scheduling your hospital appointment or medical procedure, please let us know your preferred language and we will accommodate your need. When calling the hospital or your doctor's office, our staff will connect you with a language interpreter as needed.
You may also contact Language Services at
Como solicitar servicios
Cuando programe su cita en el hospital o un procedimiento médico, por favor, háganos saber su idioma de preferencia y haremos las adaptaciones necesarias. Cuando llame al hospital o la oficina de un(a) doctor(a), nuestro personal lo conectará con un intérprete cuando sea necesario.
Usted también puede contactar al Servicio de Idiomas al
Advanced directives
Every patient has the right to determine how vigorously he/she wants to pursue life-sustaining measures when the end of life is near. The resources below are intended to provide comfort and guidance for these very personal decisions.
The advance directive document provides guidance for power of attorney, living will, and other wishes.
Put It In Writing is a Web resource in Spanish and English that provides hospitals and consumers with easy-to-use, helpful information on advance directives.
The Aging with Dignity website offers information needed to discuss issues with your family using clear terms on difficult end-of-life subjects.
Advance Directives and Do Not Resuscitate Orders
These directives and orders provide answers to common questions in both English and Spanish regarding end-of-life issues to help patients decide what they want. They offer a starting point for patients considering end-of-life healthcare. These resources are not comprehensive of every issue facing patients, nor are they intended to provide legal or medical advice. If you have additional questions regarding your end-of-life healthcare preferences and/or appropriate documentation, you should consult with your healthcare provider and/or your personal attorney. MedStar Health does not endorse, nor does it accept responsibility for, the content provided in external links.
Pastoral Care
Mission and Pastoral Care provides
Pastoral Services
Catholic Health Care in the Jesuit Tradition
Clinical Pastoral Education-CPE at MedStar Georgetown University Hospital
Contact Us
Ethics consult service
The ethics consult is a free, confidential advisory service designed to assist patients, families, and healthcare professionals in resolving ethical dilemmas.
For instance, questions can arise when a patient has lost the capacity to make decisions, when it is not clear whether the burdens of a treatment are worth the expected benefits, or when values appear to conflict.
Any MedStar Georgetown associate directly involved in a patient's care, a patient, or valid surrogates can request a consult by calling the page operator at MedStar Georgetown at 202-444-PAGE (7243) and requesting the Ethics Consult Service or by calling the consult pager at 202-405-3959. The Ethics Consult Service is on-call 24 hours a day.
Home care
Our Department of Case Management will help arrange for the following services so you can recover comfortably at home:
Skilled nursing services:
Medication and symptom management
Self-care education
IV therapy
Wound, ostomy, and incontinence care
Activities of daily living support
After-hours care and support
Rehabilitation services:
Physical therapy
Occupational therapy
Speech and language pathology
Specialty programs:
Fall prevention
Mental health
Medical social work
Remote patient monitoring (telemonitoring)
The services that you are eligible for depend on your insurance benefits and area of residence.
For more information or to speak with a home care liaison nurse, please call MedStar Health Home Care at 202-444-4499.
Health information management
MedStar Georgetown University Hospital
3800 Reservoir Rd., NW
Bles Building
Lower Level, Room 140
Washington, D.C., 20007
P: 202-444-3184
F: 202-444-6427
Director: Kelly M. Pinto, RHIA, CPC
Hours of Operation:
Open to the general public
Monday through Friday
8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
The Health Information Management (HIM) Department permanently retains the following types of hospital medical records:
Inpatient hospitalizations
Ambulatory Surgery Center (outpatient)
Endoscopy and Bronchoscopy Unit (outpatient)
Cardiac Catheterization Lab (outpatient)
Observation Units (outpatient)
Emergency Department (outpatient)
Georgetown Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Center (outpatient)
All patient healthcare information is confidential. Therefore, medical records cannot be released to any person without the authorization of the patient or the patient's legally authorized representative (unless authorized by law).
Birth certificates: The HIM Department is responsible for the creation of a birth certificate for all live-born infants delivered at or in route to MedStar Georgetown University Hospital. Birth certificates are submitted within 5 days of birth to the District of Columbia Vital Records Department, which is solely responsible for distributing copies to qualified individuals.
Medical records
How to request medical records
Requests for the release of medical records must be submitted in writing using the Medical Records Release form. The form must be dated and signed by the patient or the patient's legally authorized representative (unless authorized by law).
In the case of a minor, the parent or guardian must sign the authorization. Medical records are mailed or can be electronically released.
Where to send requests
For medical records from inpatient, ambulatory surgery, and emergency room visits, send the Medical Records Release form to:
MedStar Georgetown University Hospital
3800 Reservoir Road, NW
Bles Building
Lower Level, Room 140
Washington, D.C., 20007
Attention: Medical Correspondence
P 202-444-3392
F 202-444-8494 (For Stat faxes only)
MedStar Georgetown has contracted with CIOX to process medical records requests.
Records are mailed upon receipt of payment, if applicable. Patients should allow 10 business days to process the request. All records are mailed via U.S. Mail to the address specified on the request or can be electronically released. For electronic delivery an email address on the request is required.
Requests through
You may also request your inpatient hospital medical records through our patient portal.
Current patients
Securely email your MedStar Health physician, request prescription renewals, appointments, hospital medical records, and referrals.
New patients
Register to get started with
For other types of medical records
Digital Film Library: Your imaging reports can be located on the patient portal. If you would like to request an electronic copy of your images, please email or call 202-444-3425.
Patio garden donor and brick information form
MedStar Georgetown University Hospital is excited to bring you a unique way to make a meaningful impact in the lives of patients who need our care.
With a gift of $250, a brick will be engraved with your special message and your brick will be installed at the main entrance of the hospital—a place of respite for many patients, families, volunteers and associates who come to our hospital every day. View the brick layout of the area.
This special gift will ensure that MedStar Georgetown is able to provide the very best care in keeping with the mission of cura personalis—caring for the entire person. Your gift will not only help to beautify our campus for all to enjoy, but will also support the best of MedStar Georgetown—innovative research, compassionate care, outstanding technology; all of which will help to impact every patient who comes to us for their health care needs.
Ways to Support the Patio Garden Campaign
Download the printable Patio Campaign Gift Form and submit your completed form via:
Email to: <Mailto:>
Mail to: MedStar Georgetown University Hospital, Office of Philanthropy, Attn: Ashley Lichty
3800 Reservoir Road, NW, Washington, D.C., 20007 -
Phone at: 202-444-0721
OR Complete the online form below
MedStar Associates: click here to download the Payroll Deduction Gift Form to purchase your brick and submit it through one of the above.
For questions, please contact Ashley Lichty at 202-444-0721 or via email at
Step 1: Donor and Brick Information Online Form
To impact MedStar Georgetown University Hospital patients, now and in the future, with the purchase of a brick in the patio, please begin step 1 by completing the form below.
Engraving limitations:
4x8" brick - 3 lines of engraving per brick, 14 characters per line including punctuation and spaces.
12x12" brick - 5 lines of engraving per brick 13 characters per line including punctuation and spaces.
* Please note all engraving is subject to review.
Patient and Family Advisory Council for Quality and Safety
The MedStar Georgetown University Hospital Patient and Family Advisory Council for Quality and Safety (PFACQS) is a diverse mix of patients, family members, community leaders, and healthcare professionals from MedStar Health who focus on ways to improve care delivery at MedStar Georgetown.
Our goal is to create a council that embodies open communication about what works well for you and what could work better. We encourage you to consider submitting an application to help us do our best to meet your needs and the needs of other members of our community.
Submit an application online
Download and print an application to mail
MedStar Health associates application
Mail printed applications to:
MedStar Georgetown University Hospital
Center for Patient Safety
3800 Reservoir Rd. NW
Washington, D.C., 20007
Learn more at the MedStar Institute for Quality and Safety.